
Friday, 24 April 2015

Book: Lady, You're not a Man!, Apurva Purohit

This was a fun book to read.

The business world has traditionally always been a man's world with a doting wife at home.  Thank goodness times have changed! What I did not realise when I bought the book is that it was from an Indian businesswoman's perspective. It is a fairly new book, first published in 2013, but what is interesting is that from this book it is clear that South Africa is leaps and bounds ahead of India when it comes to women in business. Yes there are areas on SA that are still quite traditional but on the whole we have come a long way.

I like the authour's personalised way of writing. There were one or two Indian references that I was not too familiar with but it did not distract too much to the rest of the content. 

Recommendable: 6/10

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