
Monday, 1 January 2024

Kindle: The Good Daughter, Karin Slaughter

This was riveting! Flip, it was very gruesome and horrific in places, but oh so good! Karin Slaughter has a magnificent talent of describing things. I mean just take for example this description of the Mom:

Gamma was an aggressively terrible cook. She resented recipes. She was openly hostile toward spices. Like a feral cat, she instinctively bristled against any domestication.

When she described someone stuttering in court: And you had Coin sputtering like a broken sprinkler. 

Just marvellous. The only thing is, that the gory parts are just as descriptive and very graphic, which could be upsetting for sensitive readers, and it's not like in a movie where you can just look away. 

The premise of the book is about is about Rusty, a defense lawyer whose household is struck by tragedy one evening, when one of his clients came looking for him, but instead found his wife and two daughters at home. 

I really like the dad, and the relationship between him and his wife, so beautifully depicted. 

Flip, it's hectic, but really well written. 


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