Sunday 23 November 2014

Book: Grape, Stories of the Vineyards in South Africa, Jeanne Viall,Wilmot James & Jakes Gerwel

A fascinating take on the history of grapes and the vine industry in South Africa. What is quite sad is that there is a lot of history not captured, which we will never know about as it was never recorded. It's wonderful to have a bit more history knowledge of this industry that plays such a big part of the Western Cape, and interestingly, the Northern Cape as well - I had no idea that there is such big wine and table grape industry here.

Fascinating to learn more about the history of vineyards. I have always had this idyllic perception of how wonderful owning a vineyard must be- but boy oh boy is it a hard industry to be in. It was really interesting to learn more about the 'dop' system (not something unique to South Africa), the land ownership, 'stokkiesdraai' and the many different issues that need to be contended with.

The book is quite factual, and written fairly unemotionally, except for one story shared by Jeanne Viall at Ouap, the encounter was really not captured very nicely, which did not leave a very good impression (of the author).

Sunday 16 November 2014

Race - Vital Winelands Race, 21kms

After my initial concern of taking part in half marathons, (21.1kms), I am super chuffed with the completion of my third one this year!  I remember when I was totally exhausted for days after my first 5km, it then took me years to complete my first 10km, and 21.1km was just not something I had every considered. I definitely felt a lot less 'dead' after this race than last week's Cape Point (which was only 13kms!) and the previous week's Landmarks half marathon.

It was a super early start, the 21km was to start at 05:45 in Stellenbosch, which meant that I had to leave really early from Hout Bay (04:30), as I still needed to get my race number (and socks that I had forgotten I had ordered - the proceeds going to charity). Had arranged to go through with a neighbour - unfortunately he was  a no show, so at 04:47, I was getting really concerned about making it on time. There was also a cloud burst, so did not really want to speed through the rain. I was late for the race! First time I have ever been this late for a race; in fact the race had already started when I got there! Can't say I was too impressed, but I must admit that it was quite fun to see how many people I could pass. I am always up for a challenge! Gave another dimension to the race.

It was a lovely race, a number of up hills, but not too hectic, I managed to run up them all! There was a section through vineyards on a dirt road, as we hit this section, the skies opened and it poured down! WONDERFUL to run in the rain. We had all the seasons (thankfully no wind), during this race. I was very thankful for my red Vital socks which I used as mittens during the downpour.

My official time was 02:31:20. I did start my race 6 mins after everyone else, so my "Runtastic's" timing is 02:25:57, which I am SUPER happy about.

(Through the race I was a bit worried about my neighbour not showing - but it turned out that they had a late night and forgot to let me know.)

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Book review - Super Brain, Deepak Chopra | Rudolph E. Tanzi

...and what a magnificent part of the human body the brain is!

What I particularly liked about this book was that two highly educated doctors could 'dumb it down' to make the workings of the brain a little bit more understandable. I also really liked that they don't only look at the scientific side of the brain and mind, but also embraces the 'softer' side and encourages things like the importance of meditation.

They do touch on different religious aspects as well, so this book may not be for everyone. Personally, for me - fascinating!

Race - Cape Point Nature Run 13km

A beautiful run, but quite tough with its gradual unrelenting uphill. It was an early start; even though the race only started at 07:40, we got a note (from a very entertaining organiser - love his writing style, a little un-PC with his announcements, but entertaining nonetheless), that the gates to the nature reserve were only going to be open from 06:00 - 06:45, and 'sorry for you' if you miss this. Fortunately I love early mornings, so this was not really a problem.

For some or other reason I had thought that Cape Point was closer than I remembered, clearly had not been there for some time (a reminder to self for next time -  fill up with petrol the night before; luckily on fumes we got to a petrol station on time afterwards!). 

Parking was quite far from the start, so we got quite a warm up by the time we arrived at the start.

It was quite cool and misty, but did burn off later. It was wonderful to see the Hout Bay Harrier guys running at the front and doing really well. 

There were weird distances, 11, 13, 24 and 34kms - I did the 13kms, which took us to Cape Point. 

There were no water points along the way, so I took along my Powerade bottle & juice, another note to self - don't be too generous with the concentrate, sweet drinks are heaven sent during the race, but this was just a bit too sweet after a while. I should also invest in a bottle bag, as running with a bottle in hand gets a bit clunky after a while. 

I found the race quite tough, and ended up walking a lot - especially the long uphill; I didn't feel too bad, as most of the people seemed to be walking that stretch. 

The last km, especially the last stretch to the race was a wonderful downhill. My time was unfortunately a dismal - 01:31:22

Sunday 2 November 2014

Restaurant - Bistro Sixteen82, Steenberg Tokai

This is a beautiful venue; I love the chandelier that they have hanging at the entrance area - it is made of red and green glass and represents grape segments. Their Black Swan and bubbles are two of my favourite wines.

Sadly the recent lunch did not cut the mustard.

FOOD - I understand that food prices have gone up, and am OK with paying slightly higher prices for outstanding food. When prices are outrageous for tiny portions which are not cooked particularly well, I get irked. I was with guests, so I could not and did not want to complain in front of them. We ordered their pork fillet dish, which sounded amazing on the menu, but when we received it, was sub standard, especially at R168.00 per portion. Very disappointing to receive three small pieces of  meat with no moisture in site. Dessert, was fairly redeeming, very tasty but also pricey at R64 per pop.

DRINKS - this was a healthy portion - my colleagues opted for the white wine, and I had their bubbles.

SERVICE - super slow, especially when we wanted to order dessert the waitress was no where to be seen.

AMBIANCE - lovely to sit outside.

VALUE FOR MONEY - way too expensive for what you get.

PARKING - ample

RECOMMENDABLE -  sadly not - don't go for a meal, rather go for a relaxing glass of wine or bubbles.

Race - Landmarks, Newlands 21.1km

Nothing quite like deciding to do a half marathon on the spur of the moment. For some or other bizarre reason, I had this mental block against doing another one. I did the half Two Oceans earlier this year, but have not done one since. So, during a cocktails party on Thursday evening after chatting to a fellow Hout Bay Harrier, I decided that I needed to get over myself!

The race started at 06:00 at the Western Province Cricket Club. Enroute we had to take a detour as a tree had fallen down across the road. Fortunately we made it on time. What a beautiful race in and around Rondebosch, Newlands, Claremont - there were spots next to rivers that I had never seen before (hence Landmarks!) - the hill up to Rhodes Memorial was quite tough, but what goes up must come down, and the downhill was bliss.

It REALLY helped to run with someone. Initially I felt very guilty for being super slow, but then also got over myself and was very grateful to get any advise and motivation along the way.

Time was 02:28:something -super super stoked with my time! Sub 2:30 AND 10 minutes faster than Two Oceans time!