Sunday 24 January 2016

Book: Instant Repeat Business, Brad Sugars

I'm not necessarily the biggest Brad Sugars book fan, however these books read very easily, and there is always great advice to be followed. Not everything in this book is necessarily relevant for Reputation Matters, however it did remind me about the importance of touch points and engaging with customers. Time to breathe life back into our newsletters...

Race: RealNet Red Hill 36kms

Tough tough tough! The first part is absolutely gorgeous along Kommetjie and Misty Cliffs. It was an amazing, wind-still morning and the slight breeze and mist from the sea was incredible. Graham and I ran together again. We walked quite a bit, and started taking strain up the hills. It got really quite hot. What was quite nice was the regular water and Coke tables. I had really hoped to have finished within five hours, unfortunately we came in at 05:05 and didn't get a medal. Nonetheless glad to have done it, I think the Misty Cliff part totally made up for everything. 

TOUGH! 05:05

Race: Dan Luyt 15 kms

This is a race on a Wednesday evening. I had not run it before, so was keen to try something new. Noma and Martin joined me. It's quite far; the start is at the Durbanville Race Course. It was hot! The race starts with a run around the track and then into the suburbs of Durbanville. There is quite a hill at the beginning. I decided quite early on not to put much pressure on myself and just to take is easy and to enjoy it. Followed the walk / run strategy for most of the race. With the uphills brought lovely downhills, with amazing views of the vineyards. Ran the last couple of kms with 'Top Runner" and as he said, "we'll take the race one slice at a time". 

Came in at 01:52, and received a medal, two rolls of Turbovite energy sweets and a deliciously fresh watermelon. 

Got home quite late. Not entirely sure that a 15km run in the middle of the week is the best idea. 

Tough 01:52

Race: Brooks Hohenhort, 15kms

It's a toughie! Loads of ups and downs. Ran with Graham again. Felt a lot stronger than last year, and had a much stronger finish. I remember walking a lot more at the end. However, was three minutes slower, which was most frustrating.

Was in on time to get a pair of socks and race calendar for the year.

Stronger finish.  01:47

Race: Ocean Basket Bay 2 Bay 30kms

I was definitely a lot less daunted by this race than last year this time. For most of the race I ran on my own, did run with "Top Runner" from Gugs for a bit, and on Valley Road joined the 03:30 bus for a bit. Was fun, and something different with their chanting of "vasbyt | vorentoe / legs are fresh | mind is strong", with regular stops for breathing. I wasn't successful to keep up with them up Suikerbossie, so followed my own strategy of running to one light pole, walking the next and that slowly but surely got me to the top. The wind was insane, at some points it did feel like running on a treadmill as someone mentioned en route.

I am rather thrilled with my time of 01:40, eight minutes faster than last year.  

Saturday 2 January 2016

Race: Memorial Race, 8kms Mouille Point

The last race of the year - another super super hot day.

Noma joined me which was wonderful. We met up at the bus stop and MyCiti'd together to Mouille Point. No licences, so no club colours needed.

Visited The Sweat Shop earlier in the week to get expert advise on shoes for the year. I'm not going to go into detail, other than being incredibly disappointed by them. Barely three kms into the race the soles of my feet were on fire (ended with miserable blisters on the soles of my feet).

My time was horrendous - 00:58 minutes, am OK with it, better than lying on the couch stuffing my face with Quality Street.

Got another glass, and ice cold sparking water.
"Waiting, waiting, waiting for the bus...for the bus"... after the race with Noma.

  Got to see the last sunset of 2015 as we drive through Camp's Bay.