Saturday, 30 November 2024

Libby Audiobook: Pines, Blake Crouch


Had absolutely no idea what this book was about. First of a trilogy. Started off really strong and good a Federal Agent wakes up after a massive car crash, doesn't know where he is. 

Then it got bizarre, and I realised it's science fiction that I really don't like but I was 80% through, so decided to stick it through. 

It then got semi interesting again. If I have absolutely nothing to listen to, then I will tackle the second book.


Thursday, 28 November 2024

Libby Audiobook: Let God Fight Your Battles, Joyce Meyer



Don't just reach out to God when you have a problem. Celebrate him, worship and have fellowship with him. If your child just comes to you with problems without having conversations it would sadden you, why then only reach out to God with problems.

Start your day with joy, celebration and worship with God.

The references, which I understand are important, are distracting , that is why I didn't give it 5/5.


Sunday, 24 November 2024

Kindle Audiobook: Imaginary Strangers, Minka Kent


I like her work. Camille is neglected as a child and a sociopath. She is married to a Dr and they have two children. Her daughter befriends a teachers aide~ calls her Imaginary. Imogen/Imaginary subtly shares stuff from Camille's past with her.


Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Kindle Audiobook: Plain Dead, Andy Maslen


Third of the Detective Ford series. He works with Hannah who has Asperger's. 

In this one one of the women in the black ops is murdered, it's made to look like a suicide.


Sunday, 17 November 2024

Kindle Audiobook: Old Boys, Nick Spalding


Sweet. Will is stressed/depressed about getting older. His wife says she needs space and he goes to live with gis Rockstar dad, Red Fairweather.


Friday, 15 November 2024

Libby Audiobook: Connecting the Dots, Jonathan Ancer & Chris Whitfield

So interesting. One of the few clean ministers with integrity. If it is wasn't for him, our country would be even more in the shit and in debt due to a nuclear deal that Zuma wanted to get approved.

I was initially worried when I saw it was unauthorized, but, Pravin Gordhan gave quite a few interviews and content for the book, so not like Kitty's book on Oprah that was unapproved.


Sunday, 10 November 2024

Kindle Audiobook: Grave Talk, Nick Spalding


I enjoyed his Reluctant Detective series, although I've just read one on the series so far.

This was so sweet. Alice loses her husband, Ben his brother. They are buried next to each other on the graveyard. Alice and Ben become friends.

Binge listened to it over the weekend.

Very sweet.


Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Libby Audiobook:

Had no idea what to expect. Loved it, so good. Three Irish brothers each giving their perspective of things growing up. 
Good strory, good narration.


Saturday, 2 November 2024

Kindle Audiobook: Land Rites, Andy Maslen


Second in the Detective Ford series by Andy Maslen.

Also good. 
Two bodies, one the brother of a gang leader, the other an older man with a tattoo of Gaia.
