Sunday 2 June 2024

Kindle Audiobook: The Butterfly Garden, Dot Huchison

Oe, this was a good one!
I binge listened to it. Some reviews that I saw said that the narration got a bit confusing, but I think having audiobooked it, helped to keep track with who was saying what. 

This guy and his son kidnaps girls when they are about 16 years old; then tattoos wings on their backs, and let's them live (is imprisoned) in the 'Garden'. When they reach 21 years, he embalms them in resin and hangs them on a wall. 

The story is told from that of 'Maya' and intertwined with her interview with the FBI. 

The ending was a bit weird, the twist unnecessarily complicated, not sure it was necessary. The book would have been just as good without it. 

Thoroughly enjoyed it, and have already down loaded the second in the series, The Roses of May;  (there are four books in the series). 


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