Saturday, 23 September 2017

Book: The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas

B E T R A Y A L! That's pretty much the premise of the book throughout. This forms part of my #40for40 mission to read ten classics that I've not read yet.

It's a looong read. Some sections are superfluous, and at times you feel like saying to the author, get to the point! There are so many names and plot twists, that if you don't read the book for a while, you need to revisit the earlier chapters to remind yourself as to who, what, where. There are other sections that are fabulously intriguing and it feels like you can't read it quickly enough to find out what happens.

I had downloaded this as an ebook, so whenever I was in a queue or waited somewhere it was great to quickly read a page or two without having to lug a big book everywhere.

Book: Die Plesierboom, Audrey Blignaut

'n Lekker lees boek. Ek het hierdie op die selfde tyd begin lees as Dot Serfontein se 'Ek is Maar Ene'.
Ek hou ietwat meer van Dot se skryfstyl. Maar op die einde van die dag is dit lekker om enige goeie Afrikaanse boeke te lees.  

Monday, 4 September 2017

Race: Satori Camel Run, 10 miler Classic 03 September 2017

Not as fit as I had hoped I would be, went a lot better than I thought. Was fun to run a race with Graham again. 

Time: 02:10 I came 700th :-D