What a load of rubbish. I battled to get into it, then went onto Goodreads, where the reviews looked promising, with someone confirming it's a slow start, but encouraged that it would pick up and would be worth it. It. Was. Not.
The characters were grating, not believable and got more irritating as the book progressed.
Beckett is abused by her father because she ittitates him because of her night terrors. Turns out it's not nightmares, but actually a local boy, Kai, who creeps into her room at night and is obsessed with her. Her best friend, Leanne, is also obsessed with her.
Kai and best friend are dating, (which Beckett knows). Beckett hooks up with Kai.
Kai and Leanne conspired to get Beckett back into their lives by killing off her parents.
It's so highly unlikely, oh yes, at some point Beckett is stabbed in the stomach with a shard of glass, but still able to run around.
Highly unrecommendable.